Τετάρτη 5 Μαρτίου 2008

Bujinkan Greece Dojo

Bujinkan Dojo

The ’’’Bujinkan’’’, or more properly the ’’’Bujinkan Dōjō’’’ (武神館道場) is a organization. It is headed and operated by ’’sōke’’ (初見良昭 ’’Hatsumi Masaaki’’), who learned from (高松寿嗣 ’’Takamatsu Toshitsugu’’). The Bujinkan is in just outside.

Dojo Training

The training is generally referred to as, and is composed of both armed and unarmed methods of fighting. Unarmed methods are broken down into three primary categories, ’’dakentaijutsu’’ (striking forms), ’’jūtaijutsu’’ (grappling forms), and ’’taihenjutsu’’ (body movement skills). Much of the basic taijutsu taught to beginners comes from six primary lineages in the Bujinkan compendium, namely ’’Kotō-ryū’’, ’’Gyokko-ryū’’, ’’Shinden Fudō-ryū’’, ’’Takagi Yōshin-ryū’’, ’’Kuki Shinden-ryū’’, and ’’Togakure-ryū.’’
There are large variety weapons taught. Here Are some: sword (including and (bamboo, wooden, dull metal sword or swords made by soft modern materials are employed for safety), staffs of various lengths rope, (weighted chain), (sickle with chain), (spear), (spear with 2 rearward hooking blades), (simlar to the naginata), (similar to a except it has a dagger point and a rope of several feet attached to an iron ring), (shaped like a half sai with the single prong les distance from the shaft of the weapon) (iron fan), (Japanese halberd), (a bladed digging tool), as well various form of including and, among others (a . Weapons are categorized into four primary classes - sticks, blades, flexibles, and projectiles.
Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu practitioners as a rule do not engage in competitions or contests, as the art is ill-suited to sporting-style competitions.


It is very dangerous to have any kind of ideas of how things are, or should be, or to believe that there are rules in a real-life fight. Neither is there any such thing as common sense in a real fight. Such an attitude is a very dangerous thing.

Two things are more important than technique, perserverance or endurance (the ability to keep on going), and to have an objective, and keep on going towards that objective, no
matter what happens!

It is not a question of how good your techniques are, or how bad. Even with very good techniques, and the greatest of skills, you may be killed in a real-life fight. You must have all
this in mind when you are practicing your martial art.

A fight is over in an instant, so even if you know so many techniques, it will not help you. It is first, when the techniques become non-techniques that they will, in reality, become of any use to you.

You must use wisdom all the time. If you are attacked by someone stronger than you and you don’t feel equal to the match, it’s better to run away.
Why get beaten up? Otherwise you must fight. If you must fight, fight without passion, but with instinct, inner strength, and wisdom. This is the reality of fighting.


To learn martial arts, you need people. Martial arts cannot be learned through watching videos and training solo, you must connect with another person to learn, what we do is actually a study of humanness. So through your training, you will actually come to understand your humanity.

This is extremely important, especially in this age of the internet, where people can get everything without physical contact with others. As a result, we will actually have many people forgetting their humanity, and thus, the meaning of life itself.

Bujinkan Greece Shihan's (instructors)

Antonios & Harry Mitrou – Bujinkan Shihan

Stundents of the Bujinkan Ninpo since 1990, They met our teacher Arnaud Cousergue Shihan in Paris 1993 also they met Hatsumi sensei in 1994 during the International Seminar Manchester in 1994.
They haved dedicated them lifes tο the study of the Bujinkan Ninpo.
Antonios & Harry travels out from Greece to teach (the first has also stundents in Serbia/Nis) and to train with Shihans, like Pedro Fleitas, Peter King, Sven Bogsater and Shihans in Japan like Nagato, Nogutsi, Seno, Oguri, Someya and offcource under Hatsumi soke quidance.

They are now Shihan in Greece the highest rank given so far in the Bujinkan Ninjutsu system.