Πέμπτη 12 Ιουνίου 2008

戸隠流忍法 - 雲隠流忍法 - 玉心流忍法


戸隠流忍法 - 雲隠流忍法 - 玉心流忍法

We are happy to welcome you to the V International BU.YU Seminar 2008. This year's theme will be dedicated to the study of Ninpô, Togakure, and Ninja weapons.

Will study the Santo tonkou no Kata (Ninpo Taijutsu), Ninja Biken (Ninja Sword), Hiden Gata, Shuko Jutsu, Mestubushi, Senban Shuriken (blades), Manriki Kusari (Chain), Tanto Jutsu (Knife combat), Sui ren jutsu (Techniques in the water). And also we practices with Yoroi and how to win one who ware yoroi.

This is an event you shouldn't miss!